100% Job Placement! $1300 – $1500 per week!

Lucrative Opportunities

Trucking offers competitive pay and benefits, making it an attractive option for those seeking financial stability and security. With the potential to earn $1100 – $1800 per week, truck drivers enjoy a rewarding income.

Job Security

The demand for goods and services continues to grow, driving the need for skilled truck drivers to transport goods across the country. This demand translates into stable employment opportunities for individuals entering the trucking industry.

Freedom and Independence

Trucking offers the freedom to travel and explore new places while enjoying the independence of the open road. For those who enjoy solitude and adventure, a career in trucking can be incredibly fulfilling.

Variety of Roles

From local delivery drivers to long-haul truckers, the trucking industry offers a variety of roles to suit different preferences and lifestyles. Once you have 6+ months of experience over-the-road, you may qualify for companies that get you home every night!

Remember, truck driving is not just for men!

We speak to people all day long that are considering starting a new career in the trucking industry. Many of those people are women and most have questions about what opportunities are available to them in trucking, what the work environment is like for women in trucking and they have concerns as to whether or not they can even do it. Many women feel that trucking is a man’s domain but they couldn’t be further from the truth.

The fact is that current statistics show that there are an estimated 180,000 women driving commercial vehicles today and the number is growing constantly. Women make up half the American workforce and will play an ever larger role in filling the requirements by trucking companies for commercial drivers.

Many companies these days are making a dedicated effort to restructure their work environment to be friendlier to women and accommodate their needs. Couple that with the fact that the entire trucking industry as a whole, including other truckers, has made huge leaps in making women more comfortable in the truck driving workplace and that means there has never been a better time than right now for women to seek careers in commercial driving.

Tampa Truck Driving School : 6193 Jensen Rd, Tampa, FL 33619